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YAC Data Kit

YAC Interview Kit

Question types

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Demonstration versions

YAC Interview Manager

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YAC Text Recoder

YAC Data-o-Mat

Question types
All the different question types used in market research are handled in YAC Interview Kit applications: Below, the various question types were described in a little more detail. You can also run the demonstration version of our software, where you will also find all supported question types.


Single choice question

The simplest type of question - a respondent can choose from one of the possible responses:

Responses may also be displayed in a combo box:

or in a list box:


Single choice question with an open response

Sometimes it is not possible to specify all possible responses. Then, next to closed responses, we can allow the respondent to specify any other response (an open response):


Multiple choice question

Multiple choice questions allow the respondent to select several responses to a single question:

Responses may also be displayed in a list box:


Multiple choice question with open responses

Just like in single choice questions, open responses can be defined in multiple choice questions. The respondent can give other responses than those specified in the list, and moreover, the respondent can specify several such responses:


Combined question

Single choice responses can be added to multiple choice questions - then those responses exclude all other responses:


Numeric question

Numeric questions can be used when we want to ask about a precise numeric value:


Numeric question with additional responses

In numeric questions the only allowed response is a numeric value. But we may want to add other options that would allow respondents to give other responses to such questions:


Short open ended question

In open ended questions there are no predefined responses at all, maybe because we don't want to suggest possible responses to the respondents:


Open open ended question

When a longer response from the respondent is needed:


Open ended question with additional responses

Just like in numeric questions, you can specify additional closed responses in text questions:


A series of numeric and/or text questions

Forms consisting of many open ended questions can be defined (or rather consisting of several open responses in a single question):


Information question

When we want to display some text to the respondent and we are not expecting a response, we can use a question with no responses defined:


Multimedia content

We can present audio or video content to the respondent:


Grid question

Grid questions are useful when you would like to ask the same question and present the same responses in several different contexts:

Even though only single choice responses are displayed in the table above, all response types discussed up till now can be displayed in a single row of the grid (multiple choice, numeric, open).
